Sunday, November 20, 2016

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - An addiction is a strong and harmful need to regularly have or do something, and typically we think of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol when discussing these compulsions. These are very common addictions that people battle with each day, but there are millions of different addictions in the world and some of these are very, very strange. People that suffer from these cravings will continue to fulfill their need for them despite the negative consequences, and overcoming an addiction is extremely challenging no matter what it is. Here are the strangest addictions that people are known to suffer from.

Major brain freeze!

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - A cold drink is often complimented by a few cubes of ice, but there are those out there who cant settle for just a few cubes. An addiction Known as Pagophagia or, the addiction to ice… sees its addict showing the need to compulsively and constantly be chewing on ice. Researchers believe the ice cold affliction is attributed to its consumers having low iron in their blood. Treatments include the additional supplementation of vitamins B and C to help produce red blood cells, and iron retention. The us center for disease control recently revealed that in a study, they found that this cooool disorder exists in 2% of US men aged 18 and older and 16% of women aged 16 to 19. Is it cold in here or is just me?

I’ll take a mudpie please!

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - Every child in their lifetime has made a mudpie or two… but I guess some people just never grow up. Known as pica, this addiction involves the habitual consumption of dirt and other earthlike materials. While theres no single test to be able to determine why someone wants to eat dirt… its believed that it may stem from mineral deficiency. Pica is also said to lead to intoxication, as well as mental and physical development impairment in children, Havent these people ever heard of flintstones vitamins?!

For those about to rock… we medicate you?

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - Robert palmer once sang about being addicted to love, but maybe what he didn’t know is that one can become addicted to music and at least in the country of Sweden it’s a recognized addiction. Former Swedish dishwasher Roger Tullgren is so addicted to heavy metal music that the country provides him with disability pay for his affliction… and provides him income benefits due to his inability to stay away from his head banging hardships. The aging metalhead reportedly attended 300 rock concerts in one year, often having to skip out on work to do so.. which landed him being fired from his job as a dishwasher and forced to rely on handouts and welfare. Roger now works as a janitor 4 hours a day and spends the rest of his time getting his medicine with his rock band. Bang your head Roger… metal health will drive you mad!

Just one more tuck and lift!

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - Everyone these days seems to have something about themselves they would like to change, but theres a group out there that takes this mentality to extremes. Known as body dysmorphic disorder or commonly, BDD… this addiction deals with paitents and their constant need for cosmetic surgery. In the year 2008 alone it was said that over 12 million people had some kind of cosmetic procedure, up from just 7 million 8 years prior. BDD, in addition to its compulsion for visual augmentation, has been known to cause other serious issues like anxiety, depression and even social isolation with the sufferer in a constant state of worry over their physical appearance whether it be a real issue or not. The wicked queen in snow white has nothing on these people!

break out the rogaine

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - As most men grow older they sometimes struggle with the thought of losing their hair… but theres a group of the population that actually voluntarily welcomes the action. trichotillomania, or trich for short.. is a disorder where the addict compulsively rips out their own hair and it is said to affect over 11 million americans. The compulsion doesn’t just apply to the hair on their head either… sufferers of Trich have also been known to pluck from the eyebrows, face, arms and other… sensitive areas of the body. Researchers believe that this action satisfies the need for relief or pleasure, and some of those addicted to this action even take it so far as to chew on.. or in some cases.. eat their newly harvested strands. Lets just hope they have a great brand of conditioner and some hairball deterrent.

Sorry for your losses

Strangest Addictions That People are Known to Suffer From - There are a lot of strange and whacky addictions out there but none seems to top them all like that of being addicted to… funerals? You’ve heard of wedding crashers, but this is ultimate in becoming the life of the party. Its said that the average funeral addict will attend up to 50 funerals a week, often checking the news, radio, television and even calling hospitals just to feed their obsession. Theres even a funeral addicts anonymous website that offers support for those who just cant stand to let go. In conjunction with this creepy addiction, those who suffer are said to also be addicted to “funeral chic” or the clothing that goes along with attending such an event. One funeral addict in Brazil is said to have attended every single funeral in his town in the last 20 years.